
Date: 5个月前 (05-03)View: 49Comments: 0

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Forecast of "China Agriculture Outlook report (2024mur2033)"GamemachinesIn the next 10 years, meat production will increase to 97.64 million tons, pork production will drop to 53.86 million tons, and poultry and dairy production will continue to grow. At the same time, the output of soybean and corn will increase steadily, and the output of feed will increase slowly.

Text of news flash

[the China Agricultural Outlook report (2024mur2033) predicts the production, consumption, trade and price trends of grain and other major agricultural products in the next decade (000061). At the 2024 China Agricultural Outlook Conference sponsored by the Institute of Agricultural Information of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the "China Agricultural Outlook report (2024mur2033)" was released. The report predicts that there will be different trends in the production, consumption, trade and prices of agricultural products such as grain, meat, poultry eggs, beef and mutton, soybeans and corn in the next decade. According to the report, meat production and consumption will continue to grow overall, while imports will increase first and then decrease. Meat production is expected to reach 97.64 million tons and consumption to 102.53 million tons in 2033. Pork production showed a steady downward trend, imports decreased. The production and consumption of poultry meat continued to increase, and the self-sufficiency rate increased steadily. Beef and mutton production and consumption maintained growth, while import growth slowed down. What is particularly noteworthy is that the growth of poultry egg production has slowed down and exports have continued to grow. It is estimated that the production of poultry eggs will reach 37.16 million tons and the consumption will be 36.75 million tons in 2033. The per unit yield and yield of soybean increased year by year, and the self-sufficiency rate increased significantly. It is estimated that the sown area of soybean will increase to 184.47 million mu in 2033, and the yield will reach 35.68 million tons. In addition, corn production continued to grow, while imports showed a downward trend. Feed output increased slowly, and the consumption structure was gradually adjusted. Considering the multiple effects such as the upgrading of meat consumption structure, the deepening of new urbanization and negative population growth in the future, the market prospect of related agricultural products is worthy of attention. Investors need to pay close attention to the production and consumption trends of China's agricultural products market in order to seize market opportunities and make wise investment decisions.



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