simpsonsarcade| Urgent reminder! In order to save 5 yuan in phone bills, many people's mobile phone cards have been blocked by operators, and some people have been summoned by the public security!

Date: 4个月前 (05-21)View: 49Comments: 0

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Recently, many citizen friends received such a text message ↓↓.

Some people wonder

How does "recharge" have something to do with "money laundering"?


Many people are unconsciously "involved in money laundering".

There are already a large number of citizens

Just to save 5 yuan on phone charges.

And was forced to "seal the title"

What is even more frightening is to be an accomplice in money laundering.

Cause a lot of inconvenience to life.

After recharging the "discounted phone bill"

The mobile account is involved in fraud and is "closed".

A few days ago, Ms. Li from Shanghai was selling goods on a second-hand shopping platform and happened to be recharged with a discounted phone bill. It was written on the event that "180 yuan can be recharged with a face value of 200 yuan, and the account will be refunded within three days. If you don't arrive in six days, you can get a refund."

Ms. Li has recharged low-cost phone bills on other platforms, so she did not think about it or observe the qualifications of the seller, but directly bought and submitted mobile phone account information.

Three days later, the merchant contacted Ms. Li and said that the phone bill had been recharged to the account. Please click "confirm receipt".

Ms. Li looked at her account and found that it had indeed arrived, but a security prompt popped up when she clicked to receive the goods.

Although she was prompted, Ms. Li still did not realize that there might be a problem with the other party. At this time, the second-hand platform merchants were banned and disposed of by the platform because they were reported by others many times, and the platform sent a fraud security reminder pop-up window to Ms. Li.

And Ms. Li did not log on to the platform again because of the money to the account, nor did she notice that the platform popped up many times to remind her.

Until two days later, the system automatically received the goods, and a week later, I received a text message from the operator that the mobile phone account was "sealed" and the communication function was suspended because the mobile phone account was involved in a fraud case.

Ms. Li wondered very much, "I have never committed any illegal fraud, so how can I be involved in fraud?"

As a matter of fact, fraudsters have completed the "whitening" of fraudulent stolen money through the process of slow recharging of telephone charges.

Since this year in Ningbo

Nearly 20 people have been banned.

Recently, Ningbo Anti-Fraud Center issued a reminder.

Since the beginning of this year, the Ningbo Anti-Fraud Center has received clues from operators and the Ministry of Public Security that nearly 20 citizens have recharged their phone bills at low prices online, but their mobile phone cards have been blocked after the phone charges have been paid.

Duan, who lives in Qianwan New District, recently encountered this incident. On April 2 this year, Duan found a business offering this service on a second-hand trading platform by searching for "slow charge" and recharged 300 yuan at a price of 270 yuan. On April 5, Duan received the recharge of the phone bill, and on April 7, Duan's mobile phone number was blocked because it was involved in a telecommunications network fraud case, and was therefore summoned to the public security organ for investigation.

Fraudsters "charge slowly at low prices"

The tricks behind it

In this regard, the police revealed the tricks:

"money laundering" gangs on various network platforms

Publish "low price and slow charge" advertisement to attract customers

Beware of becoming an "accomplice" of fraudsters


Step 1: advertisements attract victims

Fraudsters will release various preferential recharging services such as low-cost "phone recharge", "fuel card recharge" and "electricity recharge" through second-hand trading platforms, social platforms, short video platforms, and so on. to attract potential customers who want to "save a little money" to buy low-price recharge services.

Step 2: recharge dirty money through fraud

In fact, after receiving the recharge fee from customer A, the "money laundering" gang will inform the online line of the mobile phone number and the amount of money that need to be recharged.

By using the funds in the B account of the victim of fraud online, recharging the phone charges to these mobile phone numbers and using the "coat" of the legitimate recharge transaction to achieve the purpose of concealing, grafting, and transferring illegal and criminal funds, it is difficult to recover the lost money of the victims of telecom network fraud.

Step 3: mobile phone account is blocked because of its involvement in the case.

Fraud victim B found that he had been deceived, so he chose to report to the police for disposal and submitted the mobile phone number of the transfer.

Under today's high-intensity anti-fraud prevention and control system, after the police filed a case and tracked it, the mobile phone number of victim An involved was banned and dealt with.

Is there any legal liability?

Lawyer: depending on the circumstances

Qiu Yue, a criminal defense lawyer at Beijing Pacific Century Law firm, said that if there is evidence to prove that the charging fee is money laundering for the crime, and continue to choose to recharge for saving money or even benefits, then it is possible to commit a crime.

At the same time, the amount of discount or profit is also critical.

Qiu Yue said that generally, as customers choose to recharge phone charges, a discount of about 10% is generally within a reasonable range, and it is unlikely to be considered a crime.

However, if someone issues a large number of orders for large recharge or agent recharge, giving high rebates or kickbacks and other benefits, this is beyond common sense and will often be recognized as knowing and should know. Under such circumstances, choosing to continue to participate is very likely to constitute a criminal offence.

Police tip

Choose the regular channel to recharge and pay.

Please choose regular channels to recharge telephone charges, water charges and fuel charges. Although the discount is small, it is safe and secure. Do not suffer big losses because of petty gains.

Protect personal privacy and two-card information

ID cards, bank cards and mobile phone cards are the key elements of current fraud crimes. You must not sell, lend or rent personal "two cards" and identity information at will, and be wary of "phishing websites" that fill in personal information.

Be on guard against the trap of low prices and improve legal awareness

simpsonsarcade| Urgent reminder! In order to save 5 yuan in phone bills, many people's mobile phone cards have been blocked by operators, and some people have been summoned by the public security!

At present, most of all types of fraud are well aware of people's ideas of "greedy for small bargains" and "making a fortune". No matter it is a classic fraud model such as recharging phone charges at low prices or brushing bills, as long as we raise our awareness of prevention, keep a clear head, and believe that there will be no pie in the sky, we won't fall into the fraud trap.

In addition, nowadays, many people participate in the crime of money laundering by means of "running points". In order to get a little rebate reward, they are finally sentenced for the crime of "helping trust". In the Internet era, a new type of crime goes hand in hand, raising legal awareness in order to prevent this from happening.

Editor | Cheng Peng and du Hengfeng

Proofreading | Duan Lian

Source of cover image: screenshot


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