marvelcasinonodepositbonus| The Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau actively organized and carried out the "May 15 National Investor Protection Publicity Day" activity

Date: 4个月前 (05-22)View: 49Comments: 0

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[Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau actively organized and launched the "May 15 National Investor Protection publicity Day".MarvelcasinonodepositbonusIn order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Central Financial work ConferenceMarvelcasinonodepositbonusTo implement some opinions of the State Council on strengthening Supervision, guarding against risks and promoting the High-quality Development of the Capital MarketMarvelcasinonodepositbonus...

Text of news flash

[Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau actively organized and launched the "May 15 National Investor Protection publicity Day". In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Central Financial work Conference, implement the requirements of the State Council's opinions on strengthening Supervision and preventing risks and promoting the High-quality Development of the Capital Market, and constantly enhance the sense of achievement of investors Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau has actively organized the "May 15 National Investor Protection publicity Day" in 2024 with the theme of "caring investors to work together-promoting high-quality development and boosting investor confidence". First, cooperate with the resources of all parties to form a joint force of education and publicity. Strengthen organizational leadershipMarvelcasinonodepositbonusTo issue and issue special activity notices, hold deployment work meetings, extensively mobilize all parties, based on serving the high-quality development of the capital market, pay close attention to the theme of activities, and actively carry out all kinds of education activities in combination with activities such as the publicity month of preventing illegal securities and futures funds. produce and release original education products. The United Securities Daily and the China Securities medium and small Investor Service Center held the sixth "May 19 publicity week for the Protection of medium and small investors" to organize investors to enter Tiankai higher Education Science and Innovation Park. introduce to investors the insurance work in the jurisdiction and typical cases, the knowledge of rights protection and relief, and the relevant policies of the comprehensive registration system. The "shareholders are coming" 2024 investor rights and interests knowledge competition was launched in the jurisdiction, and the market subjects in the jurisdiction were mobilized to actively organize investors to participate in the competition. The second is to increase the intensity of training and propaganda and actively convey the concept of insurance. The Tianjin Securities Industry Association has held a series of lectures on online insurance for five working days in a row, and organized securities institutions under its jurisdiction to carry out training, focusing on the interpretation of the new "National Nine articles" and introducing policies and regulations related to the comprehensive registration system and the prevention of illegal securities activities. The Tianjin listed companies Association holds insurance activities on the theme of Gui Faxiang, a listed company, to help investors understand the company's development history, product research and development, and characteristic insurance work, and hold lectures on the theme of preventing illegal securities and futures fund activities. remind investors to guard against risks. Tianjin Futures Association holds online training on "Tianjin Futures Association-Cloud Class" to introduce the investor protection system and remind investors to guard against illegal securities and futures activities. Tianjin Fund Industry Association walked into the small town of Binhai Fund to introduce the relevant knowledge of investor protection to the heads of relevant enterprises and promote the concept of investor protection. Third, continue to enrich the forms of activities and comprehensively carry out thematic publicity. Fully mobilize trade associations, investment and education bases, securities fund futures management institutions, listed companies and other parties within their jurisdiction to carry out rich and colorful publicity and education activities. in business outlets, websites, "two micro and one end" and other places or platforms to set up publicity columns, put up publicity posters, put up original works, broadcast typical cases. To guide the investment and education bases in the area and the main bodies of the market, in conjunction with local governments, exchanges, media, schools and other departments and units, to organize investor education activities such as vigorous steps, communities, colleges and universities, business circles, parks, nursing homes, radio stations, etc., by holding lectures, answering questions on the spot, setting up publicity booths and issuing investment brochures to popularize the knowledge of securities fund futures to the broad masses of investors. Publicize the new "National Nine articles" and other policies and regulations, and remind investors to guard against illegal activities and effectively protect their own rights and interests. In the next step, Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau will always practice the concept of finance for the people, highlight the people-centered value orientation, strengthen cooperation with relevant departments and units, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, and carry out investor education and publicity activities in a down-to-earth manner. we will continue to improve the investor protection system that combines pre-education and promotion, in-process supervision and relief, and constantly improve investors' sense of achievement. We will more effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially medium and small investors, and better serve the high-quality development of the capital market. (Yanyun) proofread: Yang Lilin

marvelcasinonodepositbonus| The Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau actively organized and carried out the "May 15 National Investor Protection Publicity Day" activity

(: congratulations


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