dailycoinsandspinsforcoinmaster| Evergrande Automobile: 29% of shares were acquired immediately, 29.5% of shares became the subject of options, and trading resumed on May 27

Date: 4个月前 (05-27)View: 75Comments: 0

News summary

Evergrande Automobile announced that 31dailycoinsandspinsforcoinmaster.45 million shares (approximately 29%) were sold, 32dailycoinsandspinsforcoinmaster.03 million shares (approximately 29.5%) became the option for potential buyersdailycoinsandspinsforcoinmasterShares will resume trading on May 27.

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[Evergrande Automobile announces large-scale share transfer]

dailycoinsandspinsforcoinmaster| Evergrande Automobile: 29% of shares were acquired immediately, 29.5% of shares became the subject of options, and trading resumed on May 27

On May 26, Evergrande Motor issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, announcing that 3.145 billion potential shares for sale would be acquired immediately, accounting for all issued shares of the company.dailycoinsandspinsforcoinmasterAbout 29%. In addition, an additional 3.203 billion shares will become options for potential buyers, accounting for approximately 29.5% of all issued shares. The company plans to apply to the Stock Exchange to resume share trading starting from 9:00 on May 27, 2024.


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