finalfantasycrypto| i Moutai has adjusted the subscription of tens of billions of major products to buy at any time, seeking a balance between online and offline channels?

Date: 3个月前 (05-27)View: 71Comments: 0

I Maotai App recently adjusted some product launch strategiesFinalfantasycryptoIncluding 10 billion item Maotai 1935 adjusted from booking to cloud purchase, which can place orders at any time Maotai said that this adjustment can achieve better integration of online and offline channel resources and coordinated development of channels.

Maotai direct channel revenue is now close to the traditional channel. With the new chairman of Maotai taking office, self-management and how I Maotai will develop have attracted a lot of attention, and speculation about whether to expand self-management or rely on dealers has also emerged one after another. This adjustment of Maotai product launch is considered to be a rebalance of online and offline sales channels and a steady safeguard for Maotai's new management to cope with future enterprise growth.

At present, the liquor industry is undergoing an iterative transition to digital marketing. With the heating up of the track, more and more homogeneous marketing methods are used to accelerate the volume of the industry. The industry believes that enterprises need to do a good job in digital marketing transformation according to local conditions, increase the cultivation of consumers, and do a good job in the fine management of channels.

Tens of billions of items are adjusted to "cloud purchase", and the awareness of express delivery is not high.

I the news that Maotai App optimizes part of the product launch strategy has aroused concern. On the I Maotai platform, the 10 billion core item Maotai 1935 has been adjusted from the previous reservation to cloud purchase, that is, it can only be purchased from winning the lottery before, and can be purchased directly now.

A reporter from the Beijing News saw on the I Maotai platform that the main page shows two entrances for booking and convenient direct purchase (cloud purchase). Click to enter the cloud purchase page, with 1935 of Maotai with a price of 1,000 yuan. there are other price belt products such as Han sauce, Maotai prince, Taiyuan wine, and so on. Consumers click to buy products, can choose to sell stores, self-pick-up or express delivery and other information, the current display of express fee reduction.

However, the current consumption pattern of online purchase and express delivery through I Maotai has not yet formed a craze, and many store staff say they are not aware of the online express function.

On May 21 and May 23, the Beijing News reporter consulted five Beijing stores displayed on the Maotai platform. The store staff all said that they had not received the order for online delivery. "before, when applying for purchase, consumers went to the store to pick up the goods themselves. After the adjustment, how to deliver the goods has not been notified, and it is not clear how to bear the responsibility for damage in the express delivery process." A store clerk said.

Data show that direct sales revenue from Maotai accounts for 45% of total revenue in 2023.Finalfantasycrypto.7%, almost on a par with traditional channels. The rapid expansion of the direct selling system has aroused the concern of some Maotai dealers, which has been interpreted by the industry as the "recovery of power" of enterprises. In addition, I Maotai App is not online 53 degrees 500ml Feitian Maotai, is also interpreted as "taking care of dealer mood" and so on. With the appointment of Zhang Deqin, the new chairman of Maotai, there has been speculation about whether Maotai will continue to vigorously develop direct sales channels in the future.

In fact, the traditional distribution channel still accounts for a large proportion of alcohol sales. Although the traditional distribution system has some disadvantages, it plays an indispensable role in brand promotion, product promotion, product cultivation and so on. At the Guizhou Moutai performance presentation held on May 9, Wang Liming, acting General Manager of Guizhou Moutai, will continue to optimize the channel ecosystem and promote coordination and balance among various channels.

Since taking office on April 29, Zhang Deqin has repeatedly mentioned the importance of dealers at the meeting, including "to fear the market, serve distributors and consumers well". "in the future, Maotai will continue to respect and care for dealers and manufacturers with one heart and one mind."

"the launch and adjustment of Maotai this time can be seen as a rebalance of Maotai's online and offline sales channels, continuously strengthening the overall planning and management of online and offline traffic through cloud purchase of Maotai 1935 and adding one-click inquiry function of stores, so as to ensure product price stability and safeguard the interests of online and offline partners." Cai Xuefei, an analyst in the liquor industry and general manager of Zhi Chu Consulting, told the Beijing News that as Maotai's direct ownership represented by e-commerce continues to strengthen and its share continues to increase, this is also a steady safeguard for Maotai's new management to cope with future enterprise growth.

The digital marketing track is heating up, homogenization should be avoided.

In digital marketing, the establishment of self-supporting platform can achieve channel control and help to promote digital marketing management. In addition to Maotai, Wuliangye has also launched the "Wuliangye New Retail" self-built e-commerce platform. For most wine enterprises, the self-built platform is invested heavily and does not necessarily have obvious results in the short term, but more often cooperates with e-commerce. "most liquor enterprises do not have the strength of self-built e-commerce platforms, which requires enterprises to have a strong ability to allocate resources and the level of operation," says Cai Xuefei. Part of the reason for the success of I Maotai comes from the high popularity and attention of the Maotai brand. Owning a product premium has triggered market popularity. "in fact, most brands do not have such advantages, and it is difficult to operate alone."

In the aspect of digital marketing transformation, the major liquor manufacturers have also focused on consumer cultivation and fine management.

According to public data, in recent years, famous wine brands such as Luzhou laojiao, Lang Liquor, Jiugui Liquor and Shede have adopted "five-in-one" for digital reform. the stacking code, box code, bottle code and inner code of the product are digitally related to each other to help solve the problem of market price order. Among them, the "reverse red packet" based on the "five-in-one" model has become a regular action in the dynamic sales of famous wine. For example, when the manufacturer sets up the product sweep code to get the red packet mode, when the consumer sweeps the code to get the red packet, the seller will also get the manufacturer's profit subsidy (reverse red packet). This model helps to improve the product bottle opening rate and cultivate consumers at the same time, upgrade channel digital management.

However, as wine companies flock to the red packets to make profits, the marginal utility of reverse red packets is also decreasing, and wine companies are looking for more digital marketing methods that contribute to fine management. In addition, in the process of digitization, there have been "dealers selling bulk wine by unpacking and selling bulk wine with open lids to swindle manufacturers' rewards; dealers bypass the formal scanning process to obtain manufacturers' red packets and rewards, and the 'five-in-one' related rewards become a tool to reduce prices in disguise and disrupt the price system," Tianfeng Securities said in its research report.

Some wine companies have updated and improved their digital marketing models to prevent related rewards from becoming a tool for price reduction and smuggling of goods. For example, Fenjiu launched "Fenxiang Courtesy" last year to further improve Fenjiu's marketing management level.

"For liquor companies, especially famous wines above the sub-high-end price, the greater effectiveness of digitalization is reflected in the refined management of channels. Accurate implementation of quota placement, monitoring of logistics, and improving channel value chains are far more meaningful than short-term promotions. Provide a more solid market foundation for the long-term development of the company." Cinda Securities mentioned in its research report.

Beijing News reporter Qin Shengnan

finalfantasycrypto| i Moutai has adjusted the subscription of tens of billions of major products to buy at any time, seeking a balance between online and offline channels?

Editor Zhu Fenglan

Proofreading Liu Baoqing


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