playdeuceswildvideopokeronlinefree| The liquor industry breaks the wind and waves: the high-end market dominates, and famous wine companies seize the lead!

Date: 5个月前 (04-13)View: 59Comments: 0

The concentration of liquor industry increases the benefit of head enterprises.

playdeuceswildvideopokeronlinefree| The liquor industry breaks the wind and waves: the high-end market dominates, and famous wine companies seize the lead!

The liquor industry has undergone many changes, and policies, products and channels have become the key to enterprise competition. Under the background of the current volume reduction and price increase, the upgrading of the industry structure is obvious, and the consumption scene is becoming more and more diversified. In the long run, spirits as one of the human needs, in a more diversified and richer product demand, high-end space still exists. The comprehensive consideration of the valuation level of spirits and global spirits highlights the allocation value of the plate.

Historical experience shows that wine enterprises need to meet the needs of the market.

China's liquor industry has experienced a process from planned management to market-oriented opening up. In each stage, adapting to policy changes, introducing products that meet market demand and improving the level of channel management are the core of the competition of liquor enterprises. From the perspective of industrial change, wine enterprises need to adopt corresponding strategies at different stages.

Liquor industry shows a structural boom.

According to the data of China Liquor Industry Association, the sales income and output of liquor industry show a structural boom trend. The proportion of market scale shows a diamond structure, and the market scale of high-end liquor accounts for a relatively high proportion. Although the industry as a whole is in a structural boom, the degree of internal volume of dealers has improved, and the competition has become increasingly fierce.

Spirits consumption shows a high-end trend.

Although the proportion of per capita alcohol consumption and spirits consumption in China is declining, as the post-90s and post-00s become the main force of alcohol consumption, the preference for high-end quality, multiple personality and experiential consumption will be good for spirits consumption. It is expected that per capita alcohol consumption will recover in the medium to long term.

The strength of product and brand is the key to the competition of wine enterprises.

In the competitive environment of stock, wine enterprises need to be closer to consumers and actively respond to changes in channels and consumers. Products are still the most basic element of competition, and the brand strength continuously built based on products and channels is where the vitality of wine enterprises lies. The investment and innovation of wine enterprises in traditional sales channels, online and new retail channels and group-buying channels will determine their ability to break through in the competition.

Risk factors need to be paid attention to

Macroeconomic stimulus policies are less than expected, consumer demand is lower than expected, industry competition is further intensified and food safety problems may have an impact on the liquor industry. Investors need to pay close attention to these risk factors.

The overall supply of the industry is abundant and the competition is fierce.

In the environment of abundant supply and increasingly fierce competition in the industry, famous wine enterprises are expected to enjoy the dividend of further improvement of industry concentration. At present, the valuation of the liquor sector has fallen back to a reasonably low level, and the dynamic price-to-earnings ratio of some leading enterprises is in the lower central position of nearly a decade and the bottom of the valuation of the past five years.

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