baccarategg|美股异动 | 哔哩哔哩(BILI.US)涨近10% 港股获瑞银增持

Date: 5个月前 (05-03)View: 51Comments: 0

Zhitong Finance learnedbaccarateggOn Thursday, BILI.US shares rose, rising nearly 10% at $14.02 as of press time. On the news front, Bilibili Hong Kong stocks have been increased by UBS. On April 24, UBS increased its holdings of 98,800 ordinary shares in Beili at an average price of HK$95.0959 per share, with a value of approximately HK$9.3955 million. After increasing its holdings, UBS 'latest shareholding is 1baccarategg, 6.9378 million shares, and the position ratio increased from 4.99% to 5.02%.

baccarategg|美股异动 | 哔哩哔哩(BILI.US)涨近10% 港股获瑞银增持


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