evospincasino| A great move to save the property market! "Steal area" openly and openly, and sell your second-hand house quickly?!

Date: 4个月前 (05-15)View: 54Comments: 0

Recently, foreign investors are very optimistic about Chinese assets. Hong Kong stocks and A shares have rebounded from the bottom, and more and more funds have gone northward to copy the bottom. With the release of economic data in the first quarter, more and more foreign investment banks are bullish on China's economy, raising China's GDP growth rate this year.

Why should foreign investors be optimistic about the Chinese market?Evospincasino? Don't they all like to smear China's economy and speak ill of China? In fact, the key answer lies in China's real estate.

We have to admit that real estate and land finance are one of the pillar industries of China's economy at present. If real estate does not improve, then despite our efforts in other consumption, cultural travel and even the automobile industry, the effect will still not be excellent.

The fact that foreign investors are optimistic about China comes from a remark by US Treasury Secretary Yellen. "China will take major measures to solve the real estate problem," Yellen told foreign media after her visit to China.

On May 9, Hangzhou and Xi'an also announced the complete abolition of purchase restrictions. Multi-land policy is no longer secretive, high-level determination to rescue the market is clear, real estate thoroughly clear card!

Many cities across the country have issued new policies to fully support the property market! Cut interest rates, lift purchase restrictions, reduce down payment, and settle down to buy a house.Evospincasino... Big moves, big moves.

Up to now, only six places in the country have not completely lifted the housing purchase restrictions, except for Hainan Province, only four first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as parts of Tianjin. At the end of April this year, the Politburo "destocking" was proposed again, the general trend of relaxing the purchase restriction policy in the future, and first-tier cities will further relax the purchase restrictions.

evospincasino| A great move to save the property market! "Steal area" openly and openly, and sell your second-hand house quickly?!

According to news, the first-tier city of Shanghai is preparing to hold back a big move, and there is a good chance that it will also adjust the purchase restrictions. Guangzhou and Shenzhen also have to hold back big moves, completely abolish the purchase restrictions, and even buy a house to send a hukou is very likely.

In addition to what you can see, in fact, many cities have released a super weight recently!

Steal the area!

Guangzhou has quietly adjusted the relevant policies in 2023, so that the saleable area of the new project has greatly increased, and the housing acquisition rate of some products has even exceeded 100%.

On May 14, 2024, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources announced that the 2024 edition of Shenzhen Architectural Design rules, which has attracted much public attention, will be officially released in the near future.

In the past, the two major parts of the "public sharing" area will list the refuge floor, computer rooms and other public spaces as "non-volumetric areas". This means that after the revision, the shared area of housing will be reduced, and the housing acquisition rate will be effectively increased. This is undoubtedly good news for home buyers.

On May 13, Huizhou Natural Resources Bureau issued "some measures for the Planning and Management of newly transferred Residential Land in Huizhou Urban area 2024Mill 2025" (hereinafter referred to as "some measures") to improve the planning and management of newly transferred residential land, optimize the rules for calculating the volume ratio of auxiliary housing, balconies and floating windows, improve the housing acquisition rate of citizens, encourage enterprises to build high-quality residential communities, and enhance the competitiveness of industry products. Improve the quality of the living environment of citizens.

In terms of the interior space of the house concerned by the owners, "a number of measures" propose that the opening rate of the main landscape balcony is 40%, and the area of the part with a depth of not more than 2.4 meters is calculated by half; the area of the balcony with a depth of more than 2.4 meters is fully measured. The balcony area of each household in the residential building shall account for no more than 25% of the household area, the area of the volume rate shall be calculated according to half of the area, and the full capacity of the excess area shall be calculated to improve the housing acquisition rate.

At the same time, the measure also optimizes the floating window area of the house, proposing that the net height of the structure is not more than 2.1 meters, the height of the windowsill is not less than 0.45 meters, and the floating windows of residential buildings with a depth of less than 0.8 meters are not included in the area of volume ratio. Increase the depth of floating windows from 0.6 meters to 0.8 meters, increase the available area of floating windows and improve the quality of housing.

On April 24, the people's Government of Qingyuan City issued a circular on the Technical regulations and calculation rules for the Management of Land and Space Planning in Qingyuan City.

To sum up briefly, recently, there have been many cities across the country that have relaxed their policies on housing ownership rates.

1: in the final analysis, it is all because it is difficult to sell land, it is difficult for developers to make money, and compared with the performance-to-price ratio of second-hand housing, the price of new housing is relatively high. In this case, only by increasing the housing acquisition rate can buyers choose new houses.

2: abolishing sharing and reducing sharing is a hot topic.

Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province took the lead in issuing a notice on the pricing of commercial housing according to the area in the suite. Cancel the pooling, it's really coming.

Soon, the topic sparked a heated debate, and topics such as whether the cancellation of public sharing would lead to a rise in house prices appeared on the hot search list.

People think that abolishing public sharing will lower house prices, but in fact this is an illusion.

In fact, from the perspective of the market situation, when the market is good, when everyone grabs a house, the proportion of public sharing is particularly large, but once the market is not good, developers build houses, obviously, the proportion of public sharing is very small.

3: as property buyers, we should also be on guard against legal risks. The promised gift area of the developer may be subject to legal risks, especially those that are not included in the contract. Therefore, when signing a house purchase contract, buyers must carefully check the contents of the contract, require developers to provide relevant planning documents, and properly retain relevant evidence in the process of house purchase, so as to avoid the risk of illegal construction or embezzlement. If you buy a house and stay awake in the dazzling waves, you can avoid falling into a trap. In this field full of business operation and interest game, keeping rational and vigilant is the quality that every property buyer should have.

Household garden: design a garden similar to the porch concept between the entrance door and the living room door, which can not only expand the sales area that originally belongs to the public area, but also may be transformed into private space by some owners.

Equipment platform: space for the shelving of equipment such as air conditioners and hot water units, this shared area is sometimes modified, for example, by opening a small door or connecting with a balcony to become a larger balcony.

Balcony: especially the non-top terrace, realized by withdrawing the stage, is mostly used in the design of garden houses, which can increase the use space.

Mezzanine and attic: by adjusting the height of the floor, a two-story structure is designed, and the upper layer is made of a mezzanine with a height of less than 2.2 meters, or buy an attic with a complimentary penthouse to "steal" the area.

Raised window / floating window: to "steal" the area by moving the convex window outside the exterior wall of the building, or by minimizing the windowsill to make a large glass window. If the floor height of the convex window is not more than 2.2 meters, it can effectively "steal" to the area.

The transformation of entering the door and the balcony: if the door is moved out, or the balcony is transformed into a private space, so as to increase the use area.

Free gift and groove board: through the later transformation, the groove area is used to increase the indoor area, or the load-bearing beam is established between households at the time of design, and the additional construction is carried out after acceptance.

Low platform convex window and floor-to-ceiling convex window: by pushing the outer wall of the window outward, putting the windowsill to the lowest, making a large glass window, as long as the height of the convex window is not more than 2.2 meters, it can effectively "steal" to the area.

4: in the future, the coefficient of sharing across China is likely to change greatly, and the projects of second-hand housing or developers that have already entered the market will be affected.

The arrival of the new household system will also usher in new market changes, which is definitely a good thing for property buyers. After all, at the same price, why not buy a higher housing rate and better designed products?

But on the other hand, the previously listed project products will have a big impact. For example, the 89-square-meter small three houses that have been sold in cities such as Beijing are very cramped, with a housing acquisition rate of only about 75%. Recently, the newly planned housing acquisition rate of developers has generally exceeded 80%.

At this time, we should pay attention to, do not only look at the price of second-hand housing or developers, must look at the house on the spot, the actual calculation of the housing rate, the more bad the market, the looser the planning conditions, equivalent to housing prices in disguise has fallen a lot!


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