qualityarcades| Microsoft CEO commented on GPT-4o: Don't anthropomorize AI, it's just a tool!

Date: 4个月前 (05-22)View: 51Comments: 0

Cailian, May 22 (Editor Huang Junzhi) A week after OpenAI released a "personal assistant" that can laugh, sing and speak in different voicesqualityarcades, the company's closest partners have raised a subtle different view on how people should use artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in a recent interview,"I don't like to personify artificial intelligence." He refers to the use of verbs and nouns to describe artificial intelligence.

"These words are usually coined for humans. I think it's a tool." He added.

qualityarcades| Microsoft CEO commented on GPT-4o: Don't anthropomorize AI, it's just a tool!

Nadella's comments hint at an ongoing debate in the technology industry about how "humane" should artificial intelligence services be as technology continues to advance and respond in a more human-like way?

Last week, a Google executive said that while it was possible to develop artificial intelligence tools that "express emotion," the company would prefer to focus on being "super helpful and super useful."

But obviously, OpenAI's views are different. Last week, the company showed off a new voice assistant, ChatGPT-4o, that it said can understand emotions and express its feelings.

It is reported that the model can infer audio, visual and text in real time. Compared to existing models, GPT-4o is particularly good at image and audio understanding. GPT-4o can respond to audio input in 232 milliseconds, which is similar to the reaction time of humans in conversation.

Simply put, when users are in a conversation with GPT-4o, they don't have to wait for it to finish answering before speaking. Instead, they can interrupt its reply at any time, make new requests and change new topics, and they can also ask GPT-4o to change emotions, voice intonation and singing.

In the latest interview, Nadella emphasized that users need to pay attention to the fact that the capabilities displayed by artificial intelligence software are not human intelligence. In fact, Nadella even regrets the choice of the word "artificial intelligence," which was originally coined in the 1950s.

"I think one of the most unfortunate names is 'artificial intelligence', and I wish we would call it' different intelligence'." He said,"Because I have my wisdom. I don't need any artificial intelligence."

Nadella just wants artificial intelligence software to help him when he needs it.

"I think this is the ideal relationship." He added.


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