gamecryptoaxie| Jidian shares have a daily limit: CITIC Construction Investment Group bought a seat and won 176 million yuan, with a turnover rate of 6.79%

Date: 4个月前 (05-24)View: 51Comments: 0

News summary

Jidian shares had a daily limit, with CITIC Construction Investment leading the buyer, with a net purchase of 1gamecryptoaxie76 million yuan, followed by Hujialou Sales Department, with a cumulative net inflow of 267 million yuan.

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Jidian shares soared and reached a daily limit today

gamecryptoaxie| Jidian shares have a daily limit: CITIC Construction Investment Group bought a seat and won 176 million yuan, with a turnover rate of 6.79%

On May 24, the stock price of Jidian (000875.SZ) realizedgamecryptoaxieAt the daily limit, the turnover on the day reached 1.033 billion yuan. The turnover rate simultaneously increased to 6.79%.

According to data from the Dragon and Tiger List, CITIC Construction Investment's Beijing Guangqumennei Street sales department became the largest buyer with a net purchase of 176 million yuan, while the "Hujialou" sales department also ranked among the three buyers with a net purchase of 44.0356 million yuan.

Among the seats on the list, the total net purchases throughout the day reached 267 million yuan, indicating strong market interest in Jidian shares, while the sales volume was 75.2291 million yuan.


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