ninjabaseballbatman| Trading psychology in the stock market: The impact of investor sentiment

Date: 4个月前 (05-21)View: 64Comments: 0

In the stock market, investor sentiment has a very important impact on the market trend. According to economic theory, the behavior of market participants is often influenced by emotions, rather than based entirely on rational decision-making. This emotional effect can be reflected in stock price fluctuations in a variety of ways, soNinjabaseballbatmanIt is critical for investors to understand the psychological background and manifestations of investor sentiment.

The psychological background of investor sentiment

Investor sentiment is affected by many factors, including but not limited to market information, personal financial situation, social and cultural background and so on. Psychological research shows that when people are faced with investment decisions, they are often driven by several basic psychology, including conformity psychology, overconfidence, loss aversion and so on. These psychological factors will subconsciously affect the behavior and decision-making of investors.

group psychology

ninjabaseballbatman| Trading psychology in the stock market: The impact of investor sentiment

Conformity psychology means that individuals in the group are often affected by the behavior of others, and take the same behavior as the group. In the stock market, when a stock or plate is widely concerned and sought after by the market, investors are often affected by the herd mentality, blindly follow the trend to buy, while ignoring the fundamental analysis of investment.


Overconfidence means that individuals are overconfident in their own judgments and decisions, while ignoring uncertainty and risks. Investors tend to be overconfident in the stock market, thinking that their decisions and judgments are correct, so they overtrade when the market fluctuates, which increases the risk of investment.

Loss aversion

Loss aversion means that the degree of individual aversion to loss is greater than that of income. In the stock market, investors often make premature selling or inappropriate stop-loss decisions for fear of loss, resulting in damage to investment returns.

The expression of investor sentiment

Investor sentiment can be expressed in the stock market in a variety of ways, including market trading volume, volatility, investor trading behavior and so on. By analyzing the changes of these indicators, investors can better understand the changing trend of market sentiment and make more reasonable investment decisions.

Market turnover

Market trading volume is an important indicator of market activity. When the market trading volume increases, it shows that the market participation increases, and the investor sentiment is more optimistic; on the contrary, when the market trading volume decreases, it shows that the market participation decreases, and the investor sentiment may be pessimistic.

Market volatility

Market volatility refers to the range and frequency of market price fluctuations. The level of market volatility can reflect the stability of investor sentiment. When the market volatility is high, it shows that the investor sentiment is unstable and the market may fluctuate greatly; on the contrary, when the market volatility is low, it shows that the investor sentiment is more stable and the market trend is more stable.

Table: changes in market volume and volatility

Time volume volatility 2023-01-110 million 10% 2023-02-115 million 15% 2023-03-18 million 8%

As can be seen from the above table, market trading volume and volatility have changed differently from January to March 2023. The trading volume in January and March is relatively low, and the volatility is also small, indicating that the investment sentiment of market participants is relatively stable, while the trading volume in February increased significantly, and the volatility is also high. it indicates that the investment sentiment of market participants may have fluctuated greatly.


The impact of investor sentiment on the stock market can not be ignored. By understanding the psychological background and forms of investor sentiment, investors can better grasp the trend of the market and make more reasonable investment decisions. At the same time, investors should also pay attention to avoid being affected by psychological factors such as overconfidence, herd mentality and loss aversion, and maintain a rational investment attitude.


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