gamemaniabingo| Weineng Group (01608.HK): Annual shareholders 'meeting approved Deloitte to take over as auditor

Date: 4个月前 (05-24)View: 62Comments: 0

News summary

Weineng Group (01608gamemaniabingo.HK) decided to replace auditorgamemaniabingo, nominated Deloitte to manage the company's financial audit, and the term is expected to take effect from June 18, 2024.

gamemaniabingo| Weineng Group (01608.HK): Annual shareholders 'meeting approved Deloitte to take over as auditor

Newsletter text

[Weineng Group nominates Deloitte as the new auditor] Weineng Group announced that upon the recommendation of the company's audit committee, the board of directors has made a resolution to nominate Deloitte Guanhuang Chenfang as the company's new auditor. This resolution will take effect when Ernst & Young steps down after the upcoming annual general meeting on June 18, 2024, provided that the company's shareholders complete the relevant procedures for approving the appointment of Deloitte at the annual general meeting.


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